Practical and Effective Firearms Training 



Citadel Training Group provides firearms and tactics training to law enforcement officers, government agencies and responsible armed citizens


Civilian Training

The truth is we can set you on the right track in a few days, but you’re going to have to do the work. That work is practicing the fundamentals. Our approach to civilian courses is not to run you through a bunch of drills and splits for the ‘gram, but to treat each class as an opportunity to give you the tools you’ll need to take our training with you. Gunfighting is gunfighting, there are no ninja tricks. Buy ammo. Practice.

Law Enforcement

Citadel Training Group was founded first and foremost with the intent to get away from the flat range and provide the opportunity for LEOs to train in realistic and dynamic environments under high-stress conditions they are likely to face on the job, with a heavy focus on force-on-force scenario based training using UTMs