Law Enforcement Training Classes

Force On Force Scenario Training

Officers are called upon to make split second life and death decisions under stress. From active shooters to routine traffic stops, every interaction could be the one that ends in a deadly force altercation.  

Time on the range is not enough

Force-on-force scenario based training is the ideal way to teach decision making under stress, allowing officers to make mistakes but live to learn from them.

Citadel Training Group can provide realistic force-on-force training in a controlled environment. We can simulate everything from a one-on-one traffic stop up to and including heavily armed OpFor Red Teams that will use updated TTPs to gauge the effectiveness of your SRT, SWAT or CERT teams.

Contact us to discuss our custom scenario based training options.


Low Light Tactics and Night Vision Devices



Expensive hardware and limited access to training has historically prevented most law enforcement organizations from considering low light systems. Today, high quality thermal and low light vision devices are available at price points where even smaller public safety organizations can now consider these capabilities.

Citadel Training Group provides training in low light tactics with and without night vision devices for Law Enforcement Officers. 

We can assist your organization in evaluating low light capability. Custom "hands on" introduction programs with access to evaluation hardware and basic instruction are available.


LEO Training With Citadel